Master of Science in Applied Statistics
Thai Program, Semesterly
Duration: 2 Years
Admission Capacity: 8
Admission Requirements:
1) All applicants must have a bachelor’s degree of any major from any domestic or foreign institution that is accepted by Thammasat University’s Council, having earned at least 6 credits in mathematics or statistics.
2) Applicants must be proficient in Thai speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills.
3) Applicants with a GPAX lower than 2.75 must pass a written exam and an interview, otherwise, they will only be required to pass the interview.
4) Applicants must submit TU-GET or TOEFL or IELTS test results (Test results are no longer valid if they are over 2 years old as of application date)
5) Other criteria are in accordance with Thammasat University and/or the Faculty of Science and Technology’s application announcements and policies.)
Required Credits:
1. (Program Structure) :
Plan A. (Type A.2) (Course completion and thesis)
1) Supplementary Subjects (Not counted towards total credits) 3 Credits
2) Mandatory Courses 15 Credits
3) Elective Courses 12 Credits
4) Thesis 12 Credits
Plan B. (Course completion, and Independent Study)
1) Supplementary Subjects (Not counted towards total credits) 3 Credits
2) Mandatory Courses 15 Credits
3) Elective Courses 18 Credits
4) Independent Study 6 Credits
*A minimum of 39 Credits is required.
**Mandatory Courses include: Probability theory, statistical inference theory, statistical analysis, applied linear model, statistical consulting, and seminar.
18,500 Baht per semester
Faculty of Science and Technology Thammasat University, Rangsit
Contact the program:
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ศูนย์รังสิต
99 หมู่ 18 ต.คลองหนึ่ง
อ.คลองหลวง จ.ปทุมธานี 12120
TEL: 025644440-79 ต่อ 2056
2) คุณมาลัย แก้วกลิ่น
TEL: 02-5644440-59 (ธรรมศาสตร์) ต่อ 2518
FAX: 02-564-4489

Curriculum Description:
Research Topics
Applied Statistics
Bayesian Statistics
Business Statistics
Computational Statistics
Computer Simulations
Data Science
Educational Statistics
Mathematical Statistics
Spatial Statistics
Post-Graduation Career Options:
Exchange Programs